In this context, "Jam Session" means more than playing music together; it also includes singing, dancing, and painting. The event brings together the elements of Hip-Hop (Rap, Graffiti, and B-Boying) along with other movement styles and also contemporary as well as experimental music & spoken word.
Join us at the Dance, Paint & Jam Session w. Live Music, where creativity and rhythm come together in an exciting mix.
With live music setting the vibe, everyone can add their unique flair, whether through dance, music, or just enjoying the moment.
It's a chance to connect, create, and be inspired by the energy of those around You.
“Ju/Ka is a creative duo based in Oslo. The duo consists of Maja Källström and
Beatrice Juskaite, and focuses on the exploration of creativity through different
art forms and genres. Through this project we explore personal texts, and
inspiration from electronic dance music - while creating and using our self-
recorded audio-library. The idea behind this duo is to challenge our creativity and
test our personal limits as creatives. With a background in several genres, as
improvisational music, indie, and neo-soul we create music you can both dance
and cry to.”
Every respectful Person is welcome to join.
Wednesday, 11 09 2024
DOORS: 6. 30 pm
END: 10 pm
DNA. Art Club, Alte Münze
Am Krögel 2,
10179 Berlin
*Entrance from Moneta
Live Music Stage
Dance & Move Stage
Paint Wall
Writers Corner
Free Entry for Everyone.
Whether You're there to show off Your skills or simply soak up the creative atmosphere, this is Your opportunity to be part of something special. Take the chance, join the 4+ Art Session & see where Your passion can take You.
Sign up bellow & Save Your Stage Spot. join the Audience... no sign up needed - simply come over.
See Us Soon.